Do you remember when the computer made its way into your company or government agency? Is it too long ago? It doesn’t matter, but one thing is certain: with it, correspondence and document management were gradually digitized. Except for one tiny, but all the more important details: the signature is often the point at which efficient workflows get bogged down. Do you still sign by hand? Then we have something for you: digital signing with TRUST2GO®, our qualified cloud signature in accordance with the EU eIDAS Regulation.


Purchase your qualified signatures TRUST2GO®



Digital signature: Bye-bye wet ink

Why do we sign a document? So that it is (legally) valid and can be attributed to the signatory without any doubt; we sign to confirm our will, for evidentiary purposes and for traceability. Some legal signature requirements are intended to protect the signatory from hasty agreements.

With a qualified electronic signature, additional electronic data is attached to an electronic document that

  • identifies the signer and
  • establish the integrity of the signed document.
  • Have the same effect throughout the EU as a handwritten signature (Art 25 para 3 eIDAS).

An electronic signature goes far beyond a scanned handwritten signature: it is forgery-proof, serves as authentication, and simplifies and accelerates business processes.


E-signature: Bye-bye media break

You know this: everything has been completed on the computer, only the signature is missing. The procedure that follows is the same everywhere: the document is printed out, signed, scanned, uploaded and forwarded. At the recipient’s end, the same thing starts all over again. This costs time and money.

Efficiency is different. With TRUST2GO® you can handle all signature processes electronically: on documents of all kinds – contracts, forms, quotes, invoices, etc.

Qualified electronic signature: Hello legal certainty

TRUST2GO® is legally equivalent to a handwritten signature – throughout the EU. You sign either using the SMS-TAN procedure or via a smartphone app using PIN entry, fingerprint or facial recognition. Qualified seals – the electronic equivalent of the company stamp – can even be fully automated.

Convenient and legally binding: Your individual TRUST2GO® solution

  • TRUST2GO® PILOT: the qualified employee signature
  • TRUST2GO® POOL: qualified signatures for all employees – with a common signature pool
  • TRUST2GO® SEAL: a qualified company seal that is not tied to a specific person
  • TRUST2GO® PSD2: the qualified company seal for payment service providers


You want to optimize workflows, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction: As a qualified Austrian trust service provider, we can advise you on which TRUST2GO® solution best meets your requirements. Feel free to contact us.

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