Proof of authenticity (person)
Proof of authenticity (organisation)
Proof of integrity
Legal equivalent to handwritten signature
Proof of point in time
Reversal of the burden of proof according to eIDAS-regulation Art. 35 (2)
Ensures confidentiality
Supports Document Signing (PDF, XML, DOC …)*
Supports batch- and mass signature*
Supports E-Mail signature
Supports E-Mail encryption/decryption
Supports Server Authentication
Other features

Adobe AATL 

Validation of personal identity
Validation of organizational identity
Validation of domain / E-Mail ownership
Validation of other specific attributes
Processing time
Postal Identification*
Video Identification
Enterprise Registration Authority Identification
Cloud based
Data Encryption, Client Authentication, …
Upon request
From € 4 p.a.
and user
and user