Globaltrust Codesigning

GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING signs software with the developer’s data. GLOBALTRUST guarantees the accuracy. Serious software manufacturers distribute only signed software. Users can configure their devices to prevent the installation of non-signed software. Some operating systems delete unsigned software after updates.



software signature

Download fact sheet CODESIGNING (German)

GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING gives malware no chance

Digitally signed software, drivers or other applications can no longer be changed unnoticed. Users therefore not only have the certainty of who they are installing the application from, but also that it has not been tampered with. Practically all operating system manufacturers have announced that they will only allow signed software. With GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING, developers have a reliable and future-proof tool at hand.

Just a few reasons for relying on GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING…

  • Each application undergoes a comprehensive identity check, identity theft is impossible.
  • Software with GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING certificates can no longer be modified unnoticed.
  • Fast issuance through customised authentication.
  • GLOBALTRUST is subject to extra strict EU regulations, which makes its certified software particularly trustworthy.
  • The GDPR obliges software providers to ensure that their software is free of malware.
  • Practically all operating system manufacturers have announced that in future only signed software will be allowed.

True Interoperability

GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING fulfills all necessary requirements and can be used in any system environment. The certificates can be used in both Microsoft applications and LINUX solutions. The use of hardware-based signature creation devices is not mandatory, but not excluded. The user can use any smart card, eToken or HSM solutions. GLOBALTRUST will also issue the required certificate for these solutions.

By using X.509v3, the globally recognized standard for certification, adherence to the INTERNET-RFC standards and the recommendations of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), the standardization institute of the EU, users of GLOBALTRUST CODESIGNING have the security of having an ideal identification tool in accordance with the state of the art for many years to come.

Technical data overview
  • Interoperability through conformity with X509v3 and RFC 5280
  • future-proof signature procedures with RSA 4096 or ECDSA secp256r1
  • future-proof hash procedures: SHA-256, SHA-512, RIPE-MD160 or higher
  • Support for Microsoft Authenticode, Sun Java, Adobe AIR, Mac, Office VBA
    Digital signature of 32-bit or 64-bit portable executable including *.exe, *.cab, *.jar, *.ocx or *.dll
  • rfc4511 compliant online directory service (LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  • High-availability status service via CRL and OCSP guarantees certificate validity
  • from 76,-EUR per year
  • flexible duration  1-3 years
  • Delivery via hardware-token possible
  • on request with 50 qualified time stamps free of charge
  • Special conditions for resellers and distributors