Certificatemanagement on Microsoft Exchange 2007

13. April 2023

Open Microsoft Exchange Management Shell

On the Start menu, click Programs, and then click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Click Exchange Management Shell.

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

If you have already applied for a test certificate you do not need to repeat this step, you can use the old CSR and continue with the next step. Enter the following command line in the management shell and change the domain name and path.

New-ExchangeCertificate -DomainName mail.acme.at -SubjectName "c=at,o=acme gmbh, cn=mail.acme.at" -PrivateKeyExportable:$False -GenerateRequest:$True -Path "C:/mail-acme-at.csr"

The specified SubjectName is of little importance since it is overwritten during certification. The path is the storage location of the CSR, you need the CSR for the order form.

Fill out the order form online

Choose the server certificate GLOBALTRUST/A-CERT SERVERCERT on: https://www.globaltrust.eu/servercert.html up to a term of 3 years.
Enter the generated CSR in the field “Our generated CSR is:” and fill in the rest of the form with your data.
If you require several domain names in your certificate, enter them in the comment field.

Import the certificate

After you have received the certificate from us, you can import it and activate it for various available services.

Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path "C:/mail-acme-at.cer"

The path specification after “-Path” should point to your finished downloaded certificate. If the certificate was imported successfully, this command returns a certificate thumbprint, which is needed to activate the services.

Activation of the Certificate

To activate the certificate for all services, enter the following line and paste the fingerprint you issued earlier.

Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <Fingerabdruck> -Services "IMAP, POP, IIS, SMTP"





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