
Verify your company in the EPREL database

Verify your company in the EPREL database

The European Product Energy Labelling Database (EPREL) requires the use of qualified electronic seals to ensure the authenticity of uploaded information. Since February 2022, suppliers have to digitally verify their identity on the EPREL platform using electronic sealing technology. The European Commission...

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UPC token (ACS) - Installation and Use Used Token: ACS CryptoMate EVO 1  End user installation UPC token on Windows Please note that the software can only be installed and used on Windows. The software is not compatible with Linux or MacOS.  Since complications often occur with emulations on Windows 10 and...

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5 good reasons for implementing qualified electronic signatures

5 good reasons for implementing qualified electronic signatures

"Do we really need electronic signatures? What a waste!" It still sounds like this and similar in many companies when it comes to the topic of e-signatures. Does this sound familiar, or are the advantages of digital signatures already known in your company? Read here what the e-signature - or more precisely, the...

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Qualified electronic signatures – what else?

Qualified electronic signatures – what else?

It is impossible to imagine an efficient digital workflow without electronic signatures. With TRUST2GO®, we offer you a so called "qualified" electronic signature as a digital alternative that completely replaces your handwritten signature in technical, organizational and legal terms. But what exactly is an...

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e-signatures: today’s No. 1 business accelerator

e-signatures: today’s No. 1 business accelerator

Do you remember when the computer made its way into your company or government agency? Is it too long ago? It doesn't matter, but one thing is certain: with it, correspondence and document management were gradually digitized. Except for one tiny, but all the more important details: the signature is often the point at...

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