“Do we really need electronic signatures? What a waste!” It still sounds like this and similar in many companies when it comes to the topic of e-signatures. Does this sound familiar, or are the advantages of digital signatures already known in your company? Read here what the e-signature – or more precisely, the qualified e-signature – can also bring to your company. And in this context, learn more about our qualified cloud signature TRUST2GO®.





Purchase your qualified signatures TRUST2GO®

In the years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies came closer to the paperless office and digitized the sending and receiving of documents, including contract management. The only obstacle – and thus annoying media disruption – often remained the legally binding signature.
In times of home offices and lockdowns, the need to integrate also the signing in to the digital workflow increased. A process that was frequently put on the back burner out of fear of the effort involved. However, system integration is just as simple as the application itself: The effort is therefore manageable, the benefits far greater, and secure tools for this have long been available. The advantages are obvious:

Advantage 1: cost savings

Most companies ignore the costs that are associated with conventional signatures. This starts with the cost of paper, printing, and postage for transporting signed documents and ends with their storage or the space required for this and a security concept for archiving. – The costs of introducing digital signatures can pay for themselves within a very short time.

Advantage 2: time savings

Electronic signatures are workflow accelerators: If documents can be delivered digitally and immediately, employees save themselves the trouble of printing them out. Rescanning becomes redundant, days of postal mailing are eliminated, and the cycle time for business processes is significantly shorter.

Advantage 3: workflow optimization

Electronic documents can be distributed more easily and processed more effectively. Contracts signed with e-signatures do not have to be physically on hand to be legally valid – a major advantage for companies operating internationally or with multiple locations.

Advantage 5: complete digital transformation

You may know it yourself: Digitization is already well advanced, but the legally valid e-signature as the last important building block for streamlining business and contract processes is missing. Digital document management only works with e-signatures!

Advantage 5: legal certainty

A qualified electronic signature uniquely links the signer to the signature and secures the document against subsequent changes. Our e-signature solution TRUST2GO® meets the strict requirements of the EU eIDAS Regulation. It is therefore not only absolutely legally secure throughout the EU, but also meets the highest compliance requirements: The signature on sensitive files and documents has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature and remains protected in your hand at all times.

TRUST2GO® makes electronic signing so natural and easy that your employees won’t want to work any other way. We will be happy to advise you in more detail about your individual options. Contact us now for a free consultation.


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