
What are the costs of not going paperless?

What are the costs of not going paperless?

While digitization reached almost every aspect of daily work, the necessity for handwritten signatures in B2B environments preserves printing paper its crucial role – and incurs costs. However, by implementing e-signatures, businesses can reduce expenses, streamline processes, and contribute to a more sustainable...

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Creation of a PKCS12 file from a certificate with or without a key

Creation of a PKCS12 file from a certificate with or without a key

Create PKCS12 file from private key and new certificate If you want to assemble a new PKCS12 file (extension .p12 or .pfx) from an existing key and a new certificate, you can use the open source tool XCA.   ✓ You can find an overview of all products here Process: Download XCA Run the setup and install the tool. From...

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Using the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

Using the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

What is a Certificate Revocation List (CRL)? The Certificate Revocation List is a file containing revoked certificates issued by a specific root or intermediate certificate. The revocation of the underlying intermediate or issuer certificates is announced in a CRL for the root certificate. (so-called Certificate...

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