by Daniel Zens | Jan 25, 2022 | EN, News
Once again, GLOBALTRUST stepped into the pioneering role amongst Austria’s Trust Service Providers: We are now the first TSP to join the Adobe Approved Trusted List (AATL), a program that allows users to create digital signatures that are considered trusted as...
by Daniel Zens | Dec 9, 2021 | Knowledge
Public tenders have enormous economic significance among the EU member states. This also applies to contracts concluded with the Republic of Slovenia, which is still considered an interesting entry market and stepping stone for Southeastern Europe. Companies wishing...
by Daniel Zens | Jul 13, 2021 | News
GLOBALTRUST has mastered a crucial step for the distribution of its SSL and S/MIME certificates: The approval process for pre-installation in the popular Internet browser Firefox has been completed. As of Firefox 90, users of GLOBALTRUST SSL certificates do not...
by Daniel Zens | Jan 19, 2021 | COMPANY EN, EN, News
A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) provides the basic mechanisms that enable the use of cryptography-based tools in large organizations. In a Microsoft environment, it is possible to set up a Windows PKI with fully automated certificate management. The issuing of...
by Daniel Zens | Jan 19, 2021 | COMPANY EN, News
The Austrian Trust Services Provider GLOBALTRUST has just entered into a partnership with the Windows PKI experts of Secardeo. The cooperation aims at enabling the management of large amounts of publicly trusted certificates in a fully automated way. GLOBALTRUST is a...