
e-signatures: today’s No. 1 business accelerator

e-signatures: today’s No. 1 business accelerator

Do you remember when the computer made its way into your company or government agency? Is it too long ago? It doesn't matter, but one thing is certain: with it, correspondence and document management were gradually digitized. Except for one tiny, but all the more important details: the signature is often the point at...

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Sign electronically, and compliance is assured

Sign electronically, and compliance is assured

The qualified electronic signature is the perfect complement for your electronic business and legal transactions. Our e-signature solution, TRUST2GO® not only simplifies your workflow, but also meets the highest compliance requirements. Sensitive documents, official data, patient files, bank, or insurance data remain...

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Slovenia: secure authentication for the eProcurement platform eJN

Slovenia: secure authentication for the eProcurement platform eJN

Public tenders have enormous economic significance among the EU member states. This also applies to contracts concluded with the Republic of Slovenia, which is still considered an interesting entry market and stepping stone for Southeastern Europe. Companies wishing to participate in public tenders in Slovenia must...

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Is sending unencrypted emails or invoices allowed?

Is sending unencrypted emails or invoices allowed?

GDPR Art 32, 82, 83 - State of the art according to the GDPR - End-to-end encryption of e-mails - Saving the invoices on a personalized website makes sense - Fine and lawsuit for damagesMany companies email invoices or other confidential information to their customers. Documents or PDF invoices are often sent as...

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